Text Mining


Julia Silge






Let’s install some packages


Text as data


cheeses <- read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rfordatascience/tidytuesday/master/data/2024/2024-06-04/cheeses.csv') |>

#> Rows: 1,089
#> Columns: 19
#> $ cheese          <chr> "Aarewasser", "Abbaye de Belloc", "Abbaye de Citeaux",…
#> $ url             <chr> "https://www.cheese.com/aarewasser/", "https://www.che…
#> $ milk            <chr> "cow", "sheep", "cow", "cow", "cow", "cow", "cow", "sh…
#> $ country         <chr> "Switzerland", "France", "France", "France", "France",…
#> $ region          <chr> NA, "Pays Basque", "Burgundy", "Savoie", "province of …
#> $ family          <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "Cheddar", NA, NA, NA, NA, "Fe…
#> $ type            <chr> "semi-soft", "semi-hard, artisan", "semi-soft, artisan…
#> $ fat_content     <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "50%", NA, "45%", NA, NA, NA, NA, …
#> $ calcium_content <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA…
#> $ texture         <chr> "buttery", "creamy, dense, firm", "creamy, dense, smoo…
#> $ rind            <chr> "washed", "natural", "washed", "washed", "washed", "wa…
#> $ color           <chr> "yellow", "yellow", "white", "white", "pale yellow", "…
#> $ flavor          <chr> "sweet", "burnt caramel", "acidic, milky, smooth", "fr…
#> $ aroma           <chr> "buttery", "lanoline", "barnyardy, earthy", "perfumed,…
#> $ vegetarian      <lgl> FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, …
#> $ vegan           <lgl> FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE…
#> $ synonyms        <chr> NA, "Abbaye Notre-Dame de Belloc", NA, NA, NA, NA, "Ab…
#> $ alt_spellings   <chr> NA, NA, NA, "Tamié, Trappiste de Tamie, Abbey of Tamie…
#> $ producers       <chr> "Jumi", NA, NA, NA, "Abbaye Cistercienne NOTRE-DAME DE…

Text as data

sample(cheeses$flavor, 5)
#> [1] "creamy, sharp, strong" "buttery, milky, sweet" "buttery, tangy"       
#> [4] "mild, nutty, sweet"    "acidic"

Cheese data from https://www.cheese.com/ via Tidy Tuesday

Text as data

What is a typical way to represent this text data for modeling?


dtm <- cheeses |>
    mutate(id = row_number()) |> 
    unnest_tokens(word, flavor) |> 
    anti_join(get_stopwords(), by = "word") |>  
    count(id, word) |>  
    bind_tf_idf(word, id, n) |> 
    cast_dfm(id, word, tf_idf)

#> Document-feature matrix of: 1,089 documents, 46 features (94.37% sparse) and 0 docvars.


This representation is incredibly sparse, of high dimensionality, and can have a huge number of features for natural language.

Word embeddings 📔

You shall know a word by the company it keeps.

Word embeddings, then and now

  • word2vec
  • GloVe
  • fastText
  • OpenAI
  • All examples of large language models (LLMs) in general!

Cheesy embeddings 🧀


flavor_embeddings <- 
    cheeses |>
    mutate(flavor = str_remove_all(flavor, ",")) |>
    pull(flavor) |>

#> # A tibble: 40 × 11
#>    tokens          V1      V2      V3       V4       V5      V6      V7       V8
#>    <chr>        <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1 vegetal    -0.510  -0.187  -0.520   0.365   -9.50e-1  0.501  -0.335   6.27e-2
#>  2 burnt      -0.137  -0.0292  1.28    0.0815  -2.30e-1 -0.144  -0.172   1.49e-1
#>  3 buttersco…  0.420  -0.901   0.0999 -0.00618 -6.14e-1  0.0612 -0.421   2.47e-2
#>  4 yeasty     -0.314   0.103   0.0435  0.928   -2.35e-1  0.117  -0.0847  2.80e-1
#>  5 pronounced  0.179   0.0916  0.419  -0.136   -1.21e-4 -0.0412 -0.838  -3.44e-4
#>  6 tart        0.0123 -0.421  -0.173  -0.204   -1.03e-1  0.0591 -0.251  -1.89e-1
#>  7 woody      -0.171   0.438  -0.404   0.809   -5.81e-1 -0.452   0.460   5.52e-1
#>  8 meaty      -0.133   1.34   -0.0374  0.295   -9.38e-1 -0.240  -0.336  -1.31e-1
#>  9 floral     -0.0764  0.459  -0.453  -0.589   -9.20e-2  0.209  -0.634  -2.95e-2
#> 10 pungent    -0.278   0.674   0.0385  0.642   -9.86e-2  0.540  -0.543   4.24e-1
#> # ℹ 30 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: V9 <dbl>, V10 <dbl>

Cheesy embeddings 🧀

Let’s create an overall embedding for each cheese (using mean()):

tidy_cheeses <-
    cheeses |>
    mutate(cheese_id = row_number()) |>
    unnest_tokens(word, flavor) |>
    left_join(flavor_embeddings, by = c("word" = "tokens")) |>
    group_by(cheese_id, cheese, milk, country, type) |>
    summarize(across(V1:V10, ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE)), .groups = "drop")

#> # A tibble: 1,089 × 15
#>    cheese_id cheese    milk  country type       V1      V2      V3      V4    V5
#>        <int> <chr>     <chr> <chr>   <chr>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1         1 Aarewass… cow   Switze… semi…  0.336  -0.480  -0.534  -0.568  2.21 
#>  2         2 Abbaye d… sheep France  semi…  0.0531 -0.422   1.21   -0.269  0.152
#>  3         3 Abbaye d… cow   France  semi… -0.0880 -0.196  -0.683  -0.181  1.21 
#>  4         4 Abbaye d… cow   France  soft…  0.420  -0.439   0.391  -0.631  1.10 
#>  5         5 Abbaye d… cow   France  semi… -0.0247 -0.0794 -0.802  -0.0671 1.53 
#>  6         6 Abbaye d… cow   France  semi… -0.130  -0.229  -0.787  -0.110  1.46 
#>  7         7 Abbot’s … cow   Englan… semi…  0.0237 -0.412  -0.564  -0.503  1.70 
#>  8         8 Abertam   sheep Czech … hard…  0.169   0.225  -0.355  -0.161  0.705
#>  9         9 Abondance cow   France  semi…  0.415  -0.538   0.0781 -0.550  1.37 
#> 10        10 Acapella  goat  United… soft… -0.298  -0.896  -0.0998  0.0855 1.11 
#> # ℹ 1,079 more rows
#> # ℹ 5 more variables: V6 <dbl>, V7 <dbl>, V8 <dbl>, V9 <dbl>, V10 <dbl>

Cheesy similarity 🧀

embeddings_mat <- 
    tidy_cheeses |> 
    select(V1:V10)  |> 

row.names(embeddings_mat) <- cheeses$cheese
embeddings_similarity <- embeddings_mat / sqrt(rowSums(embeddings_mat * embeddings_mat))
embeddings_similarity <- embeddings_similarity %*% t(embeddings_similarity)
#> [1] 1089 1089


This contains the similarity scores for each cheese flavor compared to each other cheese flavor.

Cheesy similarity 🧀

Let’s say we are most interesting in this particular cheese:


filter(cheese == "Manchego") |> 
select(cheese, country, flavor)

cheeses |> 

Cheesy similarity 🧀

Let’s say we are most interesting in this particular cheese:

cheeses |> 
  filter(cheese == "Manchego") |> 
  select(cheese, country, flavor)
#> # A tibble: 1 × 3
#>   cheese   country flavor        
#>   <chr>    <chr>   <chr>         
#> 1 Manchego Spain   buttery, nutty

Cheesy similarity 🧀

enframe(embeddings_similarity["Manchego",], name = "cheese", value = "similarity") |>
#> # A tibble: 1,089 × 2
#>    cheese           similarity
#>    <chr>                 <dbl>
#>  1 Baskeriu              1    
#>  2 Beemster Classic      1    
#>  3 Butternut             1    
#>  4 Coulommiers           1    
#>  5 Loma Alta             1    
#>  6 Manchego              1    
#>  7 Prairie Tomme         1    
#>  8 Pleasant Creek        0.987
#>  9 Ardrahan              0.981
#> 10 Moses Sleeper         0.979
#> # ℹ 1,079 more rows

Cheesy similarity 🧀

cheeses |> 
  filter(cheese %in% c("Beemster Classic", "Butternut", "Loma Alta")) |> 
  select(cheese, country, flavor)
#> # A tibble: 3 × 3
#>   cheese           country       flavor        
#>   <chr>            <chr>         <chr>         
#> 1 Beemster Classic Netherlands   buttery, nutty
#> 2 Butternut        United States buttery, nutty
#> 3 Loma Alta        United States buttery, nutty

Cheesy similarity 🧀

cheeses |> 
  filter(cheese %in% c("Bayley Hazen Blue", "Alpha Tolman", "Cuor di burrata")) |> 
  select(cheese, country, flavor)
#> # A tibble: 3 × 3
#>   cheese            country       flavor                                        
#>   <chr>             <chr>         <chr>                                         
#> 1 Alpha Tolman      United States buttery, caramel, fruity, full-flavored, nutty
#> 2 Bayley Hazen Blue United States buttery, grassy, licorice, nutty, tangy       
#> 3 Cuor di burrata   Italy         buttery, milky, sweet

Cheesy similarity 🧀

What about the least similar cheeses to Manchego?

enframe(embeddings_similarity["Manchego",], name = "cheese", value = "similarity") |>
#> # A tibble: 1,089 × 2
#>    cheese                   similarity
#>    <chr>                         <dbl>
#>  1 Bossa                        -0.770
#>  2 Minger                       -0.732
#>  3 St James                     -0.716
#>  4 Caprano                      -0.685
#>  5 St Cera                      -0.685
#>  6 Little Qualicum Raclette     -0.635
#>  7 Saint Nectaire               -0.627
#>  8 Sosha                        -0.612
#>  9 Pecorino di Sogliano         -0.546
#> 10 Pecorino di Talamello        -0.546
#> # ℹ 1,079 more rows

Cheesy similarity 🧀

cheeses |> 
  filter(cheese %in% c("Bossa", "St Cera", "Minger")) |> 
  select(cheese, country, flavor)
#> # A tibble: 3 × 3
#>   cheese  country       flavor                                         
#>   <chr>   <chr>         <chr>                                          
#> 1 Bossa   United States floral, meaty                                  
#> 2 Minger  Scotland      full-flavored, garlicky, meaty, pungent, strong
#> 3 St Cera England       full-flavored, pronounced

How do people use word embeddings? 🤔

Fairness and word embeddings

  • Embeddings are trained or learned from a large corpus of text data

  • Human prejudice or bias in the corpus becomes imprinted into the embeddings

Fairness and word embeddings

  • African American first names are associated with more unpleasant feelings than European American first names

  • Women’s first names are more associated with family and men’s first names are more associated with career

  • Terms associated with women are more associated with the arts and terms associated with men are more associated with science

Bias is so ingrained in word embeddings that they can be used to quantify change in social attitudes over time

Biased training data

  • Embeddings are trained or learned from a large corpus of text data

  • For example, consider the case of Wikipedia

  • Wikipedia both reflects social/historical biases and generates bias

Can embeddings be debiased?

  • Embeddings can be reprojected to mitigate a specific bias (such as gender bias) using specific sets of words

  • Training data can be augmented with counterfactuals

  • Other researchers suggest that fairness corrections occur at a decision

  • Evidence indicates that debiasing still allows stereotypes to seep back in

Word embeddings in the REAL WORLD




