5 - Feature engineering

Machine learning with tidymodels

Build better predictors 🛠️

  • Some models require predictors with certain characteristics or a certain format
  • Some datasets are better modeled when one or more predictors are transformed

Build better predictors 🛠️

  • Statistical parameters for recipe steps can be estimated from an initial data set and then applied to other data sets

  • The resulting features can be used as inputs for statistical or machine learning models

Abalone data spending

abalone <- read_csv("abalone.csv") %>% mutate_if(is.character, as.factor)

ring_split <- initial_split(abalone, prop = 0.8, strata = rings)
ring_train <- training(ring_split)
ring_test <- testing(ring_split)

ring_folds <- vfold_cv(ring_train, v = 5, strata = rings)
#> #  5-fold cross-validation using stratification 
#> # A tibble: 5 × 2
#>   splits             id   
#>   <list>             <chr>
#> 1 <split [2670/670]> Fold1
#> 2 <split [2672/668]> Fold2
#> 3 <split [2672/668]> Fold3
#> 4 <split [2673/667]> Fold4
#> 5 <split [2673/667]> Fold5

A first recipe

ring_rec <- 
  recipe(rings ~ ., data = ring_train)

The recipe() function assigns columns to roles of “outcome” or “predictor” using the formula

A first recipe

#> # A tibble: 9 × 4
#>   variable       type    role      source  
#>   <chr>          <chr>   <chr>     <chr>   
#> 1 sex            nominal predictor original
#> 2 length         numeric predictor original
#> 3 diameter       numeric predictor original
#> 4 height         numeric predictor original
#> 5 whole_weight   numeric predictor original
#> 6 shucked_weight numeric predictor original
#> 7 viscera_weight numeric predictor original
#> 8 shell_weight   numeric predictor original
#> 9 rings          numeric outcome   original

A first recipe

ring_rec <- 
  recipe(rings ~ ., data = ring_train)

Create indicator variables

ring_rec <- 
  recipe(rings ~ ., data = ring_train) %>% 
rings length diameter height whole_weight shucked_weight viscera_weight shell_weight sex_infant sex_male
7 0.350 0.265 0.090 0.226 0.100 0.048 0.070 0 1
7 0.330 0.255 0.080 0.205 0.090 0.040 0.055 1 0
7 0.355 0.280 0.085 0.290 0.095 0.040 0.115 1 0
7 0.365 0.295 0.080 0.256 0.097 0.043 0.100 0 1
8 0.465 0.355 0.105 0.480 0.227 0.124 0.125 0 1
8 0.450 0.355 0.105 0.522 0.237 0.116 0.145 0 0
5 0.240 0.175 0.045 0.070 0.032 0.024 0.020 1 0
5 0.205 0.150 0.055 0.042 0.025 0.015 0.012 1 0
4 0.210 0.150 0.050 0.042 0.018 0.013 0.015 1 0
7 0.390 0.295 0.095 0.203 0.088 0.045 0.075 1 0


ring_rec <- 
  recipe(rings ~ ., data = ring_train) %>% 
  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% 
rings length diameter height whole_weight shucked_weight viscera_weight shell_weight sex_infant sex_male
7 -1.453 -1.444 -1.284 -1.228 -1.166 -1.203 -1.215 -0.683 1.307
7 -1.620 -1.545 -1.545 -1.270 -1.211 -1.286 -1.323 1.463 -0.765
7 -1.411 -1.292 -1.414 -1.095 -1.187 -1.286 -0.888 1.463 -0.765
7 -1.327 -1.140 -1.545 -1.166 -1.178 -1.254 -0.997 -0.683 1.307
8 -0.489 -0.532 -0.891 -0.708 -0.592 -0.511 -0.816 -0.683 1.307
8 -0.615 -0.532 -0.891 -0.619 -0.547 -0.580 -0.671 -0.683 -0.765
5 -2.374 -2.356 -2.461 -1.546 -1.473 -1.433 -1.577 1.463 -0.765
5 -2.668 -2.610 -2.200 -1.604 -1.500 -1.511 -1.635 1.463 -0.765
4 -2.626 -2.610 -2.330 -1.604 -1.536 -1.533 -1.613 1.463 -0.765
7 -1.118 -1.140 -1.153 -1.274 -1.220 -1.235 -1.178 1.463 -0.765

Reduce correlation

ring_rec <- 
  recipe(rings ~ ., data = ring_train) %>% 
  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% 
  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) %>% 
  step_corr(all_numeric_predictors(), threshold = 0.9)
rings height shucked_weight shell_weight sex_infant sex_male
7 -1.284 -1.166 -1.215 -0.683 1.307
7 -1.545 -1.211 -1.323 1.463 -0.765
7 -1.414 -1.187 -0.888 1.463 -0.765
7 -1.545 -1.178 -0.997 -0.683 1.307
8 -0.891 -0.592 -0.816 -0.683 1.307
8 -0.891 -0.547 -0.671 -0.683 -0.765
5 -2.461 -1.473 -1.577 1.463 -0.765
5 -2.200 -1.500 -1.635 1.463 -0.765
4 -2.330 -1.536 -1.613 1.463 -0.765
7 -1.153 -1.220 -1.178 1.463 -0.765

Dimensionality reduction

ring_rec <- 
  recipe(rings ~ ., data = ring_train) %>% 
  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% 
  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) %>% 
rings PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5
7 -2.930 2.248 -0.254 0.297 -0.143
7 -4.017 -0.495 0.308 0.346 -0.117
7 -3.570 -0.608 0.352 0.191 -0.191
7 -2.786 2.207 -0.228 0.306 0.073
8 -1.309 1.838 -0.038 0.151 0.362
8 -1.541 0.133 -1.173 0.356 0.253
5 -5.254 -0.193 0.229 1.113 -0.299
5 -5.442 -0.142 0.193 1.078 -0.653
4 -5.486 -0.133 0.193 1.116 -0.584
7 -3.480 -0.625 0.318 -0.156 0.053

Build nonlinear features

ring_rec <- 
  recipe(rings ~ ., data = ring_train) %>% 
  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% 
  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) %>% 
  step_ns(shucked_weight, deg_free = 4)
rings length diameter height whole_weight viscera_weight shell_weight sex_infant sex_male shucked_weight_ns_1 shucked_weight_ns_2 shucked_weight_ns_3 shucked_weight_ns_4
7 -1.453 -1.444 -1.284 -1.228 -1.203 -1.215 -0.683 1.307 0.031 -0.181 0.392 -0.211
7 -1.620 -1.545 -1.545 -1.270 -1.286 -1.323 1.463 -0.765 0.023 -0.166 0.360 -0.194
7 -1.411 -1.292 -1.414 -1.095 -1.286 -0.888 1.463 -0.765 0.027 -0.174 0.378 -0.204
7 -1.327 -1.140 -1.545 -1.166 -1.254 -0.997 -0.683 1.307 0.029 -0.177 0.384 -0.207
8 -0.489 -0.532 -0.891 -0.708 -0.511 -0.816 -0.683 1.307 0.366 -0.206 0.450 -0.242
8 -0.615 -0.532 -0.891 -0.619 -0.580 -0.671 -0.683 -0.765 0.410 -0.194 0.425 -0.229
5 -2.374 -2.356 -2.461 -1.546 -1.433 -1.577 1.463 -0.765 0.001 -0.062 0.134 -0.072
5 -2.668 -2.610 -2.200 -1.604 -1.511 -1.635 1.463 -0.765 0.000 -0.050 0.108 -0.058
4 -2.626 -2.610 -2.330 -1.604 -1.533 -1.613 1.463 -0.765 0.000 -0.034 0.073 -0.040
7 -1.118 -1.140 -1.153 -1.274 -1.235 -1.178 1.463 -0.765 0.021 -0.163 0.354 -0.191

Your turn

Create a recipe() for the abalone data to :

  • create one-hot indicator variables
  • remove zero-variance variables

Minimal recipe

ring_rec <-
  recipe(rings ~ ., data = ring_train) %>%
  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>%

Using a workflow


lm_wf <- workflow(ring_rec, linear_reg()) 
ctrl_abalone <- control_resamples(save_pred = TRUE)
lm_res <- fit_resamples(lm_wf, ring_folds, control = ctrl_abalone)

#> # A tibble: 2 × 6
#>   .metric .estimator  mean     n std_err .config             
#>   <chr>   <chr>      <dbl> <int>   <dbl> <chr>               
#> 1 rmse    standard   2.20      5 0.0413  Preprocessor1_Model1
#> 2 rsq     standard   0.533     5 0.00833 Preprocessor1_Model1

Your turn

Use fit_resamples() to fit your workflow with a recipe.

Collect the predictions from the results.


Holdout predictions

# since we used `save_pred = TRUE`
ring_lm_preds <- collect_predictions(lm_res)
ring_lm_preds %>% group_by(id) %>% slice(1:3)
#> # A tibble: 15 × 5
#> # Groups:   id [5]
#>    id    .pred  .row rings .config             
#>    <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <chr>               
#>  1 Fold1  7.86     1     7 Preprocessor1_Model1
#>  2 Fold1  8.17     3     7 Preprocessor1_Model1
#>  3 Fold1  7.42    10     7 Preprocessor1_Model1
#>  4 Fold2  9.97    11     7 Preprocessor1_Model1
#>  5 Fold2  8.27    13     7 Preprocessor1_Model1
#>  6 Fold2 10.7     14     8 Preprocessor1_Model1
#>  7 Fold3  8.67     6     8 Preprocessor1_Model1
#>  8 Fold3  5.06     7     5 Preprocessor1_Model1
#>  9 Fold3  6.33    12     6 Preprocessor1_Model1
#> 10 Fold4  8.57     4     7 Preprocessor1_Model1
#> 11 Fold4  8.23     5     8 Preprocessor1_Model1
#> 12 Fold4  5.16     8     5 Preprocessor1_Model1
#> 13 Fold5  6.65     2     7 Preprocessor1_Model1
#> 14 Fold5  5.69    17     4 Preprocessor1_Model1
#> 15 Fold5  5.94    33     7 Preprocessor1_Model1

Recipes are estimated

Preprocessing steps in a recipe use the training set to compute quantities

What kind of quantities are computed for preprocessing?

  • Levels of a factor
  • Whether a column has zero variance
  • Mean and standard deviation for normalization
  • How to map variables to principal components

When using a workflow, this estimation occurs with fit()

Fit different recipes

A workflow set can cross models and/or preprocessors:


abalone_set_res <-
      indicators = ring_rec, 
      decorr = ring_rec %>% step_corr(all_numeric_predictors(), threshold = 0.9), 
      splines = ring_rec %>% step_ns(shucked_weight, deg_free = 4), 
      pca = ring_rec %>% step_pca(all_numeric_predictors())
    list(lm = linear_reg())
  ) %>%
    fn = "fit_resamples", 
    resamples = ring_folds, 
    verbose = TRUE, 
    control = ctrl_abalone

Your turn

Create a workflow set with 2 or 3 recipes.

(Consider using recipes we’ve already created.)

Use workflow_map() to resample the workflow set.


Compare recipes

collect_metrics(abalone_set_res) %>%
  filter(.metric == "rmse") %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = mean, y = fct_reorder(wflow_id, mean))) +
  geom_crossbar(aes(xmin = mean - std_err, xmax = mean + std_err)) +
  labs(y = NULL, x = "RMSE (holdout sets)")

Compare recipes

More on using recipes

What happens when a recipe goes wrong? 😱

  • We recommend that you use a workflow() to estimate and apply a recipe

  • There are two lower-level functions for handling a recipe on its own, like for debugging

fit() ➡️ prep()

predict() ➡️ bake()

fit() ➡️ prep()

predict() ➡️ bake()

Your turn

First use prep() on one of your recipes.

Then use bake()!
