Tidy a Corpus object from the tm package. Returns a data frame with one-row-per-document, with a text column containing the document's text, and one column for each local (per-document) metadata tag. For corpus objects from the quanteda package, see tidy.corpus().

# S3 method for Corpus
tidy(x, collapse = "\n", ...)



A Corpus object, such as a VCorpus or PCorpus


A string that should be used to collapse text within each corpus (if a document has multiple lines). Give NULL to not collapse strings, in which case a corpus will end up as a list column if there are multi-line documents.


Extra arguments, not used


library(dplyr)   # displaying tbl_dfs

if (requireNamespace("tm", quietly = TRUE)) {
  #' # tm package examples
  txt <- system.file("texts", "txt", package = "tm")
  ovid <- VCorpus(DirSource(txt, encoding = "UTF-8"),
                  readerControl = list(language = "lat"))


  # choose different options for collapsing text within each
  # document
  tidy(ovid, collapse = "")$text
  tidy(ovid, collapse = NULL)$text

  # another example from Reuters articles
  reut21578 <- system.file("texts", "crude", package = "tm")
  reuters <- VCorpus(DirSource(reut21578),
                     readerControl = list(reader = readReut21578XMLasPlain))

#> Loading required package: NLP
#> Attaching package: ‘NLP’
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:ggplot2’:
#>     annotate
#> # A tibble: 20 × 17
#>    author   datetimestamp       description heading id    language origin topics
#>    <chr>    <dttm>              <chr>       <chr>   <chr> <chr>    <chr>  <chr> 
#>  1 NA       1987-02-26 17:00:56 ""          DIAMON… 127   en       Reute… YES   
#>  2 BY TED … 1987-02-26 17:34:11 ""          OPEC M… 144   en       Reute… YES   
#>  3 NA       1987-02-26 18:18:00 ""          TEXACO… 191   en       Reute… YES   
#>  4 NA       1987-02-26 18:21:01 ""          MARATH… 194   en       Reute… YES   
#>  5 NA       1987-02-26 19:00:57 ""          HOUSTO… 211   en       Reute… YES   
#>  6 NA       1987-03-01 03:25:46 ""          KUWAIT… 236   en       Reute… YES   
#>  7 By Jere… 1987-03-01 03:39:14 ""          INDONE… 237   en       Reute… YES   
#>  8 NA       1987-03-01 05:27:27 ""          SAUDI … 242   en       Reute… YES   
#>  9 NA       1987-03-01 08:22:30 ""          QATAR … 246   en       Reute… YES   
#> 10 NA       1987-03-01 18:31:44 ""          SAUDI … 248   en       Reute… YES   
#> 11 NA       1987-03-02 01:05:49 ""          SAUDI … 273   en       Reute… YES   
#> 12 NA       1987-03-02 07:39:23 ""          GULF A… 349   en       Reute… YES   
#> 13 NA       1987-03-02 07:43:22 ""          SAUDI … 352   en       Reute… YES   
#> 14 NA       1987-03-02 07:43:41 ""          KUWAIT… 353   en       Reute… YES   
#> 15 NA       1987-03-02 08:25:42 ""          PHILAD… 368   en       Reute… YES   
#> 16 NA       1987-03-02 11:20:05 ""          STUDY … 489   en       Reute… YES   
#> 17 NA       1987-03-02 11:28:26 ""          STUDY … 502   en       Reute… YES   
#> 18 NA       1987-03-02 12:13:46 ""          UNOCAL… 543   en       Reute… YES   
#> 19 By BERN… 1987-03-02 14:38:34 ""          NYMEX … 704   en       Reute… YES   
#> 20 NA       1987-03-02 14:49:06 ""          ARGENT… 708   en       Reute… YES   
#> # ℹ 9 more variables: lewissplit <chr>, cgisplit <chr>, oldid <chr>,
#> #   topics_cat <named list>, places <named list>, people <chr>, orgs <chr>,
#> #   exchanges <chr>, text <chr>