widyr 0.1.5
CRAN release: 2022-09-13
- Change maintainer to Julia Silge
- Updates for new Matrix package version (@simonpcouch, #41)
- Update use of
widyr 0.1.4
CRAN release: 2021-08-12
- Fix bug in United Nations vignette (caused by unvotes update).
- Also changes the vignettes to render conditionally on package installation.
widyr 0.1.3
CRAN release: 2020-04-12
- Update to work with the latest version of tidytext’s cast_sparse. Adds rlang to IMPORTs. (@juliasilge, #30)
- Update from data_frame() to tibble() in examples
- Removed topicmodels from SUGGESTS (hasn’t been required for several versions)
- Fixed spelling mistakes of occurence->occurrence
widyr 0.1.2
CRAN release: 2019-09-09
- Fixes to be compatible with tidyr v1.0.0, while also being reverse-compatible with previous versions of tidyr.
- Fix intro vignette index entry